News and Announcements

  Please Note:
The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of the holiday.
January 23, 2025
The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit seeks a Circuit Executive.

Applications must be received by February 13, 2025.
First consideration will be given to applications received by February 6, 2025.
Please see the Vacancies page for details.
January 23, 2025
The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit seeks a Senior Staff Attorney.

Applications must be received by February 13, 2025.
First consideration will be given to applications received by February 6, 2025.
Please see the Vacancies page for details.
January 13, 2025
The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit seeks an experienced Cybersecurity Specialist.

Applications must be received by February 10, 2025.
First consideration will be given to applications received by January 27, 2025.
Please see the Vacancies page for details.
January 13, 2025
The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit seeks an experienced Architect / Project Manager to help create inviting and functional spaces.

Applications must be received by February 10, 2025.
First consideration will be given to applications received by January 27, 2025.
Please see the Vacancies page for details.
December 31, 2024
Notice of Adoption of Modifications to Circuit Rules 46 and 51 and the Creation of Circuit Rule 46.1
On June 18, 2024, this court issued notice that it proposed modifications to Circuit Rules 46 and 51, and the creation of Circuit Rule 46.1. The court carefully considered the comments received. The court hereby provides notice of adoption of the aforementioned changes, effective immediately. Please see the notice for details.
December 6, 2024
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has adopted a new Appellate Criminal Justice Act Plan revising the procedures for appointment of counsel on appeal for persons who are financially eligible for representation at public expense in criminal or collateral-relief proceedings as provided in the Criminal Justice Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3006A. The Plan calls for the creation of a formal court-approved panel of private attorneys eligible for appointment under the CJA when the federal defenders cannot or do not provide appellate representation.

The court invites private attorneys to apply for admission to the new appellate CJA panel. Starting in 2025, the court will appoint counsel in CJA-qualifying appeals pursuant to the terms of the Plan. Associated revisions to circuit rules took effect on December 31, 2024.

Please see the court’s CJA page for details and the application form for panel membership.

Special note to attorneys willing to accept appointment to represent civil litigants on a pro bono basis: The court invites you to use the application form on the court’s CJA page to indicate your interest in accepting appointment to represent eligible civil litigants on a pro bono basis under the in forma pauperis statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(1), and Pruitt v. Mote, 503 F.3d 647 (7th Cir. 2007) (en banc). Please complete the appropriate sections of the application form.

December 5, 2024
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals mourns the passing of Judge Joel M. Flaum.

December 2, 2024
Notice of Rescission of Circuit Rule 35 and Modification of Circuit Rule 26.1.

On October 15, 2024, this court issued notice that it proposed the rescission of Circuit Rule 35 and modification of Circuit Rule 26.1 in anticipation of the elimination of Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 35.

The court hereby provides notice of adoption of the aforementioned changes, effective December 1, 2024.
Please see the notice for details.
November 25, 2024

Proposed Revisions to the Seventh Circuit Civil Jury Instructions

The Seventh Circuit Pattern Civil Jury Instruction Committee submitted for public comment the proposed revised civil pattern jury instructions: 3. Employment Discrimination: Title VII, ADEA; 4. Employment Discrimination: Americans with Disabilities Act; 5. Equal Pay Act; and 10. Family and Medical Leave Act.

The Committee, which includes judges, attorneys, and law professors, welcomed comment. The Committee accepted comments through January 31, 2025.

Please see the the Pattern Civil Jury Instructions page for details.

November 7, 2024
Please be advised:   There has been nationwide reporting of phishing emails that imitate CM/ECF Notices of Docket Activity (NDAs) being sent to attorneys and law firms. These fake NDAs are phishing attempts to trick recipients into replying back to the emails. Once a recipient replies to the email, they are quickly sent a corresponding email containing a link to access a document that leads the user to a malicious website.

Please remember that you should only validate cases and case documentation through CM/ECF, and avoid downloading attachments or clicking links from unofficial or questionable sources.

If you have any questions concerning the authenticity of any communications purporting to be from this court, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 312.435.5850.
October 23, 2024

Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Brian Slade to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Northern District of Illinois.

Please see the Press Release for details.

October 17, 2024

Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment of Mary E. Lopinot to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Southern District of Illinois.

Please see the Press Release for details.

October 15, 2024
Notice of proposed rescission of Circuit Rule 35 in anticipation of the elimination of Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 35.
The Court of Appeals also proposes modifications to Circuit Rule 26.1(c).

A redline version of the proposed rescission of Circuit Rule 35 and modifications to Circuit Rule 26.1(c) are provided.
Written comments on the proposed rule changes were to be sent by October 29, 2024.
Please see the notice for details.
September 3, 2024
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals mourns the passing of Judge Daniel A. Manion.

July 16, 2024
Notice of Adoption of Modifications to Circuit Rules 31, 34, 40, 47, and 60
On April 12, 2024, this court issued notice that it proposed modifications to Circuit Rules 31, 34, 40, 47, and 60. The court carefully considered the comments received and made an additional modification to Circuit Rule 34. The court hereby provides notice of adoption of the attached modifications, effective immediately. Please see the notice for details.
July 16, 2024
General Order 24-002
This order rescinds General Order 22-005, effective immediately.
Please see the order for full details.
July 15, 2024
General Order 24-001
Interim Procedures for the Filing, Service, and Management of Highly Sensitive Documents
This order supersedes General Order 21-001, effective immediately.

Please see the order for full details.
June 18, 2024
Notice is hereby given that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071, proposes modifications to Circuit Rules 46 and 51, and the creation of Circuit Rule 46.1. Proposed versions of each rule and current and redline versions, where applicable, are included in the notice.
Written comments on the proposed rule changes were to be sent by July 18, 2024.

Please see the notice for details.
April 12, 2024
Notice is hereby given that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071, proposes modifications to Circuit Rules 34, 47, 60, 31, and 40.

Please see the notice for details which include a red-line excerpt illustrating the changes.
December 1, 2023
General Order 23-001
Order Regarding Attorney Admission Fee
This order supersedes General Order 21-003, effective immediately.

Please see the order for full details.

December 1, 2023
Changes to Federal Appellate Rules 2, 4, 26 and 45 became effective December 1, 2023.

Please see the U.S. Courts website for details.

  Please Note:  

Effective December 1, 2023, select Appellate Miscellaneous Fees increased.

Please see the U.S. Courts website for details.

November 1, 2023

The William J. Bauer Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions (2023 edition) have been posted.

Please see the Pattern Jury Instructions page for details.

March 21, 2023

Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment of Peter W. Henderson to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Central District of Illinois.

Mr. Henderson took the oath of office on April 1, 2023, and joined the bankruptcy bench in Peoria.

Please see the Press Release for details.

December 1, 2022
Changes to Federal Appellate Rules 25 and 42 became effective December 1, 2022.
Please see the Rules and Procedures page for details.

There is also a blackline version excerpt illustrating the changes.
September 30, 2022
General Order 22-005
Order Regarding COVID-19
This order supersedes General Order 22-004

In-person oral argument, which resumed last year, will continue in accordance with the terms of this order. Please see the order for full details.

August 23, 2022

The Current COVID-19 Courtroom Procedures have been posted and the Argument Confirmation form has also been updated.

Please see the Forms page for details.
August 22, 2022
General Order 22-004
Order Regarding COVID-19
This order supersedes General Order 22-002

In-person oral argument, which resumed last year, will continue in accordance with the terms of this order. Please see the order for full details.
August 19, 2022
Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment Sean McDermott as Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, upon the retirement of Janet Medlock.
August 3, 2022
General Order 22-003
Order Regarding Refund of Erroneous or Duplicate Payments

Please see the order for full details.
July 25, 2022
General Order 22-002 re: COVID-19, issued July 25, 2022. This order supersedes General Orders 21‐008, 21‐009 (amended) and 21‐010. 

In-person oral argument, which resumed last year, will continue in accordance with the terms of this order. Please see the order for full details.
June 23, 2022
The Seventh Circuit Pattern Criminal Jury Instruction Committee submits the attached proposed new and revised criminal pattern jury instructions for public comment. The proposed revised version of each instruction is redlined to reflect the proposed changes.

The Committee deadline to accept comments had been extended through August 1, 2022.

Please see the 2022 Proposed Revisions to the Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions for details, which are also posted on the Pattern Jury Instructions page.

March 7, 2022
On March 26, 2022, this court’s General Order 22‐001, “Order Regarding COVID‐19 Temporary Implementation of Remote Arguments and Reduction of On-site Staffing” will expire.

After General Order 22‐001 expires, General Orders 21‐008, 21‐009 (amended) and 21‐010 will go back into effect, including the provisions governing counsel who appear in‐person, masking, vaccination, and self certification. For the time being, the courtroom will remain closed to the general public. The court will continue to livestream audio from oral arguments to YouTube.

Please see the General Orders page for details.

January 13, 2022
In response to the current surge in COVID-19 infections, it is hereby ORDERED:
Cases scheduled for oral argument through March 25, 2022, will be argued telephonically or by video communications.

The court continues to livestream the audio of oral argument on its YouTube channel. Please see the court's website for information about the livestreaming service and other general orders and policies regarding court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please see the order for details

December 28, 2021
In response to the current surge in COVID-19 infections, it is hereby ORDERED:
Cases scheduled for oral argument through January 31, 2022, will be argued telephonically or by video communications.

The court continues to livestream the audio of oral argument on its YouTube channel. Please see the court's website for information about the livestreaming service and other general orders and policies regarding court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please see the order for details

December 1, 2021
Changes to Federal Appellate Rules 3, 6 and Forms 1A, 1B and 2 became effective December 1, 2021.
Please see the Rules and Procedures page for details.

October 28, 2021
Notice of Rescission of Circuit Rule 57

On September 20, 2021, this court issued notice of its intent to rescind Circuit Rule 57. No comments were received. The court hereby rescinds Circuit Rule 57 effective immediately.

Please see the Rules and Procedures page for details.

October 12, 2021
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals announces its decision to continue indefinitely the practice of livestreaming the audio of oral argument. Although initially instituted during the COVID-19 pandemic on an emergency basis, the court has voted to retain livestreaming to increase the visibility and accessibility of the court’s business.

Presently the court uses its YouTube channel as its livestreaming platform. The link to this channel is available here:

September 20, 2021
Notice of Proposed Circuit Rule Change and Opportunity for Comment

Notice is hereby given that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071 proposes rescission of Circuit Rule 57. The reason for the rescission is that Circuit Rule 57 conflicts with the more recently adopted Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 12.1. A copy of Circuit Rule 57 is provided below. Written comments on the proposed rule rescission were to have been sent by October 20, 2021.

Advisory Committee on Circuit Rules
c/o Clerk of Court
United States Court of Appeals
For the Seventh Circuit
219 South Dearborn Street
Room 2722
Chicago, IL 60604

Comments could also have been made via e-mail at:

Please see the Rules and Procedures page for details.
August 27, 2021
The Seventh Circuit Pattern Criminal Jury Instruction Committee had submitted the proposed new and revised criminal pattern jury instructions for public comment. The proposed revised version of each instruction is redlined to reflect the proposed changes.

The Committee had accepted comments through September 21, 2021.

Please see the 2021 Proposed Revisions to the Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions for details, which are also posted on the Pattern Jury Instructions page.

August 25, 2021

Notice to counsel and the public:

Order Regarding Masking, Vaccination, and COVID-19 Self-Certification * Amending General Order 21-009, entered on August 13, 2021 * Superseding General Order 21-006 *

Effective immediately, all persons seeking entry to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit at the Dirksen United States Courthouse shall comply with the masking, social distancing and self-certification requirements. Please see the General Orders page for details.

August 13, 2021

Notice to counsel and the public:

Re: Order Regarding COVID-19 and Restoration of In-Person Activity

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will exit its Continuity of Operations Plan and resume in-person court operations effective September 1, 2021, subject to the qualifying provisions of General Orders 21-008, 21-009 and 21-010.  (These orders supersede General Orders 21-005, 21-006 and 21-007.) Please see the General Orders page for details.

July 28, 2021

The Current COVID-19 Courtroom Procedures have been posted. The Special Notice to Counsel Presenting Oral Argument has also been udpated. Please see the Forms page for details.

July 22, 2021

Notice to counsel and the public:

Re: Order Regarding COVID-19 and Restoration of In-Person Activity

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will exit its Continuity of Operations Plan and resume in-person court operations effective September 1, 2021, subject to the qualifying provisions of General Orders 21-005, 21-006 and 21-007.   Please see the General Orders page for details.

June 30, 2021
Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment of the Honorable Paul E. Singleton, St. Joseph Superior Court Magistrate Judge, to a 14-year term as Bankruptcy Judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana.

Please see the Press Release for details.
June 10, 2021
Announcement from Chief Judge Sykes Regarding New Circuit Executive

Chief Judge Sykes is pleased to announce that the Judicial Council of the Seventh Circuit has appointed Sarah O. Schrup, currently the Deputy Circuit Executive, to succeed Mr. Collins Fitzpatrick as Circuit Executive.

Ms. Schrup will assume her new role on September 29, 2021. Mr. Fitzpatrick retires on September 28, shortly after marking the 50th anniversary of his service to the Seventh Circuit.

Please see the announcement for details.

June 3, 2021

Notice to counsel and the public:

Re: Order Regarding COVID-19

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will continue to operate under the Continuity of Operations Plan activated on March 18, 2020. See order for further details.

Pursuant to this order, all cases scheduled for oral argument through August 31, 2021, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by video communications, with audio livestreamed to YouTube. The clerk’s office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case.

May 26, 2021
Order issued In Re: Attorney Admission Fee

Please see the order for details.
May 26, 2021
Notice and Order of Adoption of Modifications to Circuit Rule 46(b)

Please see the Rules page for details.

April 15, 2021

Notice of Proposed Circuit Rule Changes and Opportunity for Comment  

Notice was given that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit,
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071 proposed modification of Circuit Rule 46(b).

Please see the Rules page for details.

March 10, 2021

Notice to counsel and the public:

Re:  Order Regarding COVID-19

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will continue to operate under the Continuity of Operations Plan activated on March 18, 2020. See order for further details.

Pursuant to this order, all cases scheduled for oral argument through June 30, 2021, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by video communications, with audio livestreamed to YouTube. The clerk’s office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case.

February 18, 2021

Coronavirus Covid-19 Public Emergency Order Concerning Face Masks/Coverings in Public Areas of Courthouses:

This order pertains to the Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse located at 219 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL, and the Stanley J. Roszkowski United States Courthouse located at 327 S. Church Street, Rockford, IL.

Effective immediately, all persons seeking entry to, or occupying the courthouses, must wear a face covering or mask in the public areas of the courthouses. Masks may be either manufactured or homemade and should be a solid piece of material without slits, exhalation valves, or punctures. A face shield, bandana, or neck gaiter alone does not count as a face covering. A face shield and/or goggles may be used in addition to an acceptable mask, but by themselves do not substitute for the use of a mask.

Any visitor seeking entry into the courthouse without a mask will be offered a free disposable mask at the security screening station if they need to enter the courthouse. 

Any person found to have violated this Order may be held in contempt of court, cited, and/or expelled from the courthouses until an order of the Chief Circuit or District Judge, upon petition, reinstates access to the courthouses.

Please see the order for details.

February 11, 2021
Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment of Rachel M. Blise to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

Please see the Press Release for details.
February 5, 2021
The 2020 revisions to Part 11 (Patents) of the Seventh Circuit’s Pattern Civil Jury Instructions have been approved for publication by the Circuit Council.

Please see the Pattern Jury Instructions page for details.

January 19, 2021
Notice to counsel and the public:

Re: Procedures for the Filing, Service, and Management of Highly Sensitive Documents

In accordance with a directive from the Administrative Office of the U. S. Courts, this Court has issued an order regarding the filing of Highly Sensitive Document material.
Please see the order for further details.

The Clerk’s Office Procedures for Highly Sensitive Documents will be posted in the Electronic Case Filing Procedures at subsection (h):

  Changes to Federal Appellate Rules 35 and 40 became effective December 1, 2020.
Please see the changes for details.

Effective December 1, 2020, select Appellate Miscellaneous Fees were increased.
Please see the chart for details.

November 10, 2020

Notice to counsel and the public:

Re:   Order Regarding COVID-19

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will continue to operate under the Continuity of Operations Plan activated on March 18, 2020. See order for further details.

Pursuant to this order, all cases scheduled for oral argument through April 30, 2021, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by video communications, with audio livestreamed to YouTube.
The clerk’s office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case.

September 29, 2020

The Practitioner's Handbook for Appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (2020 Edition) has been posted.

The Practitioner's Handbook can be found on the Guides page and on the Rules and Procedures page.

August 31, 2020

The William J. Bauer Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions (2020 edition) have been posted.

Please see the Pattern Jury Instructions page for details.

August 3, 2020

Notice to counsel and the public:

Re:  Order Regarding COVID-19

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit will continue to operate under the Continuity of Operations Plan activated on March 18, 2020. See order for further details.

Pursuant to this order, all cases scheduled for oral argument through December 31, 2020, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by video communications. The clerk’s office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case. The courtroom will remain closed to the public. Arguments will be livestreamed to YouTube and recordings will be posted on the court’s web page.

If the appeal can be resolved based on the briefs and record and the decisional process would not be significantly aided by oral argument, see FED. R. APP. P. 34(a), counsel may file a motion under Circuit Rule 34(e) to waive oral argument. The court encourages counsel to confer with opposing counsel when considering a motion to waive oral argument and prefers joint motions. A motion to waive oral argument must be filed no later than seven days before the date of argument.

June 23, 2020

The March 31, 2020, order suspending the paper copy requirements set forth in F.R.A.P. 30(a)(3), C.R. 31(b) and C.R. 40(b) is VACATED and the requirements in those rules are once again in effect.

Please see the order for further details.

May 28, 2020

Coronavirus Covid-19 Public Emergency Order Concerning Face Masks/Coverings in Public Areas of Courthouses:

This order pertains to the Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse located at 219 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL, and the Stanley J. Roszkowski United States Courthouse located at 327 S. Church Street, Rockford, IL.

Effective immediately, all persons seeking entry to the courthouses must wear a face covering or mask that completely covers the wearer's nose and mouth. Any person violating this order may be held in contempt and/or expelled from the Courthouses.  

Please see the order for details.

May 21, 2020

Updated Notice to counsel and the public:

All cases scheduled for oral argument through August 31, 2020, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by Zoom Video Communications. The Clerk's Office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case.

The courtroom will be closed to the public. The Court, on a temporary basis, will live stream the audio from oral arguments to YouTube. Arguments will also be recorded and posted on the court’s website. If all parties agree among themselves to waive oral argument, they may jointly file a motion with the court seeking permission to do so.

May 6, 2020

Updated Notice to counsel and the public:

All cases scheduled for oral argument through June 30, 2020, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by Zoom Video Communications. The Clerk's Office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case.

The courtroom will be closed to the public. The Court, on a temporary basis, will live stream the audio from oral arguments to YouTube. Arguments will also be recorded and posted on the court’s website. If all parties agree among themselves to waive oral argument, they may jointly file a motion with the court seeking permission to do so.

April 26, 2020

Notice to counsel and the public:

All cases scheduled for oral argument in May 2020, will be argued by counsel either telephonically or by Zoom Video Communications. The Clerk’s Office will contact counsel with remote argument instructions for their specific case.

The courtroom will be closed to the public. The Court, on a temporary basis, will live stream the audio from oral arguments to YouTube. Arguments will also be recorded and posted on the court’s website. If all parties agree among themselves to waive oral argument, they may jointly file a motion with the court seeking permission to do so.

March 31, 2020

Until further notice, the paper copy requirements for electronically filed briefs, appendices and petitions for rehearing are suspended.
Please see the order for further details.

March 18, 2020

Due to the emergency conditions presented by the COVID-19 virus, the court has decided to implement its Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).

The court will operate with a reduced staff, but remain open for business. Please check this webpage for future updates.

March 18, 2020

Notice to counsel and the public:
All cases scheduled for oral argument from March 30, 2020 through the end of April 2020, will be argued telephonically by counsel.

The courtroom will be closed to the public. Arguments will be recorded and posted on the court’s website. If all parties agree among themselves to waive oral argument, they may jointly file a motion with the court seeking permission to do so.

March 13, 2020

Note To Participants in FRAP Rule 33 Mediations:

All FRAP Rule 33 mediations will be conducted by telephone until further notice.

Please advise the Circuit Mediation Office if your contact information should change.

Please see the Circuit Mediation page for details.

March 13, 2020

Chief Judge Diane P. Wood of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce that Christopher G. Conway has been selected to serve as Clerk of Court. Please see the Press Release for details.

January 14, 2020

The 2020 Revised Pattern Jury Instruction for 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) has been posted.

December 17, 2019

Chief Judge Diane P. Wood of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is pleased to announce the appointment of David D. Cleary to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois headquartered in Chicago. He will succeed Bankruptcy Judge Pamela S. Hollis.

Please see the press release for details.

December 5, 2019

As announced by Chief Judge Diane P. Wood, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held a Memorial Proceeding in honor of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in the Dirksen Federal Courthouse on Thursday, December 5, 2019.

Please see the press release for details.

Here is a link to the video of the memorial:

A link to the video can also be found on our Media Library page:

November 26, 2019

The Seventh Circuit Pattern Criminal Jury Instruction Committee submitted the attached proposed revised criminal pattern jury instructions for 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) for public comment.

The current instruction does not reflect the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Rehaif v. United States, 139 S.Ct. 2191 (2019). The proposed revised version of the instruction is redlined to reflect the proposed changes.

The Committee, which includes judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and law professors, welcomed comment before submission of the proposed revision to the Circuit Council for approval and promulgation. Comments were to be sent by e-mail to, with a subject line of “Pattern Jury Instruction Comment.”

The Committee accepted comments through December 10, 2019.

May 9, 2019

Chief Judge Diane P. Wood of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit was pleased to announce the appointment of Judge Andrea K. McCord to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana headquartered in New Albany.

Judge McCord took office on May 20, 2019. She will succeed Bankruptcy Judge Basil H. Lorch, III.

Please see the press release for details.

May 6, 2019

The Practitioner's Handbook has been updated.

April 15, 2019

Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions (2012 ed.) which includes the 2015-2017 and the 2018 changes.

Please see the Pattern Jury Instructions page for details.
March 1, 2019

  The Seventh Circuit Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions Committee submits the attached proposed revised criminal pattern jury instruction for 18 U.S.C. § 2250(a) for public comment. The current instruction is inaccurate in light of the Supreme Court’s opinion in Nichols v. United States, 136 S. Ct. 1113 (2016). The proposed revised version of the instruction is redlined to reflect the proposed changes.

Respondents were asked to email comments to, with a subject line of “Pattern Jury Instruction Comment.”

The Committee accepted comments through March 15, 2019.

Please see the announcement for details.

December 3, 2018

  The Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure have been updated effective December 1, 2018.

Please see the Rules page for details.

December 3, 2018

  The 7th Circuit Bar Association held a free CLE:
How to Handle a Seventh Circuit Pro Bono Appeal

Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse
219 S. Dearborn Street,
Ceremonial Courtroom, Room 2525
Chicago, IL 60604

December 10, 2018, 3:00-5:00 pm
The flyer offered more information.
November 21, 2018

  Chief Judge Diane P. Wood of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit was pleased to announce the appointment of Katherine Maloney Perhach to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

Please see the Press Release for details.
October 5, 2018

  The Seventh Circuit Pattern Criminal Jury Instruction Committee submited the
proposed revised criminal pattern jury instructions for public comment.

The commenting period ended November 20, 2018.

Please see the Pattern Jury Instructions page for details.

September 18, 2018

  The Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions have been updated.
Please see the Pattern Jury Instructions page for details.

August 28, 2018

  CM/ECF - NEXTGEN Implementation

Please Note:  On Monday, September 10, 2018, the NEXTGEN CM/ECF System conversion was completed.

Please see the Case Information-NEXTGEN page for details.

June 15, 2018

  EEO Plan

The Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity, Discrimination, Harassment, and Employment Dispute Resolution for the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has been updated.

May 24, 2018

  On March 23, 2018, this court issued notice that it proposed modifications to Circuit Rule 10 and the rescission of Circuit Rule 11.

The court has carefully considered the comments received. The court hereby provides notice of the adoption of the modifications to Circuit Rule 10 and the rescission of Circuit Rule 11. The adoption of the modifications to Circuit Rule 10 and the rescission of Circuit Rule 11 shall be effective immediately.

May 1, 2018

  Seventh Circuit Operating Procedure 11: Video-Recording Policy has been added.

Please see the Rules page for details.

April 23, 2018

  Video Segments on Appellate Practice Topics

Welcome to a series of programs about appellate practice in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Seventh Circuit Bar Association has prepared video segments on the steps in an appeal that will be very helpful to many lawyers. Each topic that you may encounter in appellate practice will have a separate segment and you will be able to listen to experts in the field on each of these matters as your appeal progresses. So if you are preparing for an oral argument, you click on the oral argument segment and you will hear from an appellate practitioner and a Circuit Judge on how to prepare for your argument and what to expect on the day you give it. We hope you will find these segments useful.

Chief Circuit Judge Diane P. Wood

March 22, 2018

Notice of Proposed Circuit Rule Changes and Opportunity for Comment  

Notice is hereby given that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit,
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2071, proposed the modification of Circuit Rule 10 and
the recision of Circuit Rule 11.

Deletions are shown by strikeouts. New text is highlighted. See the details here.

Written comments on the proposed rule changes were to be sent by April 25, 2018, to:

       Advisory Committee
       c/o Clerk of Court
       United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
       219 South Dearborn Street - Room 2722
       Chicago, Il 60604

Comments were also accepted via e-mail at:

March 2, 2018

  Notice of Adoption of the New Federal Law Clerk Hiring Plan
The Seventh Circuit has adopted the new Federal Law Clerk Hiring Plan.

Please see the Clerkships page for details.

A copy of the plan is posted on the OSCAR website at:

December 27, 2017

  Chief Judge Diane Wood has appointed a committee to examine the process for raising claims of harassment in connection with employment in the courts of the Seventh Circuit. Please see the details of the announcement.
December 1, 2017   

  Amendment to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure Rule 4: Subdivision (a)(4)(B)(iii).

This technical amendment restores the former subdivision (a)(4)(B)(iii) that was inadvertently deleted in 2009. On December 14, 2016, the Office of the Law Revision Counsel in the U.S. House of Representatives advised that Rule 4(a)(4)(B)(iii) had been deleted by a 2009 amendment to Rule 4. The deletion of this subdivision in 2009 was inadvertent. The OLRC deleted subdivision (iii) from its official document, but the document from which the rules are printed was not updated to show the deletion. As a result, Rule 4(A)(4)(B)(iii) was published with subdivision (iii) in place. This technical amendment restores subdivision (iii) to Rule 4(A)(4)(B).

House document 115-35 details:
October 20, 2017   

  On November 13, 2017, the Supreme Court’s electronic filing system began operation.

While paper will remain the official form of filing as under existing practice, parties represented by counsel will also be required to submit most documents through the new electronic filing system. Attorneys who expect to file documents electronically will need to register in advance for the system.

Additional information is available at
October 16, 2017

  A complimentary CLE webinar on ESI (Electronically Stored Information) was held on November 2, 2017.

Any questions: Please contact Kelly Warner, Co-Chair of the Education Sub-committee of the Pilot Program, at
October 11, 2017   

  Both judges and court personnel have an obligation to keep confidential certain court materials. In order to clarify the extent of that obligation, Chief Judge Diane P. Wood has decided to make public an opinion she requested from the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct. It is available here, as well as under the "Rules and Procedures" tab of the court's public website.

August 22, 2017   

  Revisions to the proposed Federal Civil Jury Instructions of the Seventh Circuit

Prepared By The Committee on Pattern Civil Jury Instructions of the Seventh Circuit.

[The Circuit’s Committee on Pattern Civil Jury Instructions has, with the permission of the Circuit Counsel, revised Parts 6 and 7 of the earlier version. The Committee is continuing to revise and supplement the existing pattern instructions. ] (revised August, 2017

May 17, 2017   

  Chief Judge Diane P. Wood, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, was pleased to announce the appointment of Judge James R. Ahler to a 14-year term as United States Bankruptcy Judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana to sit in Hammond.

April 19, 2017

  The Practitioner's Handbook for Appeals has been updated.

April 1, 2017

  On April 01, 2017, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals increased the maximum allowable PDF file size for documents filed in the Case Management/Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) system from 10 MB to 35 MB.

March 7, 2017

  Proposed revisions to Seventh Circuit Criminal Jury Instructions regarding 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) offenses.

Comments were accepted through March 27, 2017.
December 1, 2016
  Appellate and Circuit rule changes are effective December 01, 2016.
   • Details of Circuit Rule changes
   • Details of Appellate Rule Changes

Appellate Fee changes are effective December 01, 2016.
September 21, 2016
  The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit cordially invited you to participate in a video appellate practice seminar.

The seminar was designed for the attorney who wishes to learn more about handling appeals in the Seventh Circuit. Experienced appellate practitioners, court personnel and judges cover topics that the practitioner needs to represent litigants in appeals before the court.
May 2, 2016
  Justices Elena Kagan and John Paul Stevens in a conversation with Chief Judge Diane Wood on the Supreme Court at the annual meeting of the Judicial Conference of the Seventh Circuit in Chicago.

[alternate link:
May 2, 2016
  The Court is now live on the CJA eVoucher - Electronic Voucher Management System.
Please see the Criminal Justice Act Information page for eVoucher information and training resources.
April 29, 2016

The Seventh Circuit has a new website design.

Please note: Check the Sitemap page for items you are trying to locate. Any items you had previously bookmarked in your browser will no longer work.

  also added:  Video Segments of Appellate Practice in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals